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One stop for

Data managementand

 AI solutions

Advancing startups and enterprises with viable and impactful innovations in data management and AI

Book your FREE consultation with our solutions architect.

Expert solutions for your needs

AI Readiness Audit

We’ll assess your infrastructure, data practices, technological frameworks, and internal team expertise to ensure readiness for successful AI integration.

Solution Design

This critical step involves a thorough analysis of your goals, data characteristics, and the technological landscape, to identify the best solutions for the project.

Data Preparation

Our data scientists team will prepare your data for embeddings, ensuring it’s well-organised, secure, and adheres to all compliance standards.


Leverage Trismeg’s smart connectors to seamlessly convert your data into embeddings, integrating with any vector database of your choice.

AI Solutions

Our team will train and deploy custom-designed AI solutions like chatbots, predictive analytics, and more to address specific requirements.

Knowledge Transfer

Educating and empowering your team with the necessary skills and understanding to effectively use and manage the implemented solutions or technologies.


You can opt in for continuous technical assistance, updates, and optimizations to ensure the solutions remain effective and aligned with your evolving needs.


We provide 15 days of technical support post-release to promptly address any issues with the solutions deployed by us.

Data embeddings
data management

Transform data to embeddings

Securely connect your database with the Trismeg connector, choose the exact data you want to convert to embeddings, and monitor the process. It's compatible with diverse databases:

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MongoDB
  • Firebase

If your data source isn't listed, please contact us. We'll design a solution for you.

data management

Extract data from APIs

We directly extract data from APIs, efficiently transform it into embeddings, and store it in high-performance vector data storage, all while applying advanced security measures and adhering to best-in-class data management protocols.

  • Secure authentication
  • Data Encryption (In Transit and At Rest)
  • Automated data extraction

We offer a variety of solutions tailored to your data regulation and compliance requirements.

Text data extraction
data management

Retrieve text data at scale

Discover valuable insights from your unstructured data. Our platform seamlessly integrates with third-party cloud storage and offers drag-and-drop functionality for file uploads.

  • Drag and drop files
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Google Drive
  • DropBox

If your data source isn't listed, please contact us. We'll design a solution for you.

Working with AI innovators.

Trismeg works with the best tech stack for AI solutions. Reach out if you can’t see what you are looking for. 

OpenAI icon


Meta logo

Meta AI

Azure AI


Google AI

Hugging Face

Mistral AI

Mistral AI



Jina AI




Popular AI solutions.

Virtual voice assistant
RAG Pipeline
Chat Bot
AI solutions
Recommendations Engine
Data Analytics
AI Agent
Simple steps

Crossing the chasm with AI

Contact us

Let’s kick-start our discussions with a brief overview of your project, including key goals, a timeline, and any specific needs or hurdles, sets the stage for an insightful and engaging dialogue.


We’ll cover your needs and potential solutions, showcase Trismeg’s solutions and services with a demo from our experts, and then map out the next steps for your project.


Securely access your Trismeg account, fully customised to meet your data transformation needs. We’ll support you every step of the way.

Our Prices

Flexible pricing.

We offer flexible pricing models tailored to fit your business needs, ensuring you only pay for what you use and can easily scale services in response to your changing requirements.

We ensure security and compliance with data regulations.

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